Emergency Telephones
First Aid
Automated External Defibrillator Units (AEDs)
Vehicle Assistance
Safe Walk Program
Lost and Found
Victim Services
Emergency Telephones
There are a total of four Code Blue phones conveniently located on campus, near the gazebo outside of the Main Building, near the Lion Shrine outside of the Commons Building, between the Vairo Building and the tennis courts, and in the rear of the Student Union Building near Orchard Hall. These phones may be used to report crimes in progress, suspicious persons, medical emergencies, or concerns about your personal safety. You may contact University Police from these phones and you can call 911.
First Aid
After-hours, weekends, or whenever Health Services is not available, Police Services will provide First-Aid for minor injuries.
Automated External Defibrillator Units (AEDs)
There are eight Automated External Defibrillator Units (AEDs) on Campus. They are located in the following areas:
Commons/Athletic Building
- In the hallway, across from room 141
- In the Athletics Trainer Go Bag
- In the Athletics Training Room
Main Building
- Outside of room 101, near the auditorium
Tomezsko Building
- Near room 107
Vairo Building
- Near room 130
Student Union Building
- At the Welcome Desk
University Police and Public Safety
- In the University Police vehicle
These units are for use by trained personnel on a person who is in cardiac arrest. All police officers are certified in CPR and in the use of the AEDs. Additionally, several members of the faculty, staff, and student body are certified in CPR and in the use of the AEDs.
Vehicle Assistance
Vehicle Lockouts
If you accidentally lock your keys in your vehicle on campus, University Police may be able to help you. We will attempt to unlock your vehicle if you sign a waiver of liability.
Jump and Carry Unit
If you have a dead battery, the "Jump and Carry Unit" (a portable 12-volt rechargeable battery starter) will allow you to "jump start" your vehicle. Just call University Police at 610-892-1496 and an officer will respond to assist you.
The above services are offered free to students and visitors. University Police will make every effort to resolve the situation, but they do not perform any other mechanical work.
Safe Walk Program
University Police and Public Safety is available to provide walking accompaniment to Penn State students, employees, and visitors who may feel unsafe walking alone on campus at night.
Safe Walks are available from dusk to dawn. One should call the University Police and Public Safety at 610-892-1496 from an outside line or x496 from any campus phone to request a Safe Walk. You will be asked your name, your present location, and your intended destination. You may also be asked for the phone number from which you are calling in the event that an officer must contact you regarding your request.
Lost and Found
University Police and Public Safety is also responsible for the maintenance of the campus lost and found. Items that are found or turned in are kept at the University Police Station Police in 101 Commons/Athletic Center.
It is recommended that books and valuables be clearly marked by putting a unique number or symbol on an interior page. Such markings help easily identify lost or stolen items.
Victim Services
Any Penn State student, employee, or guest of the University who has been the victim of, or witness to, a crime is eligible for victim services. These services typically include, but are not limited to the following:
- Consultation about problem situation, incident or crime
- Exploring options available for solving the problem
- Crisis intervention and ongoing support
- Information and referral
- Explanation of court and legal procedures
- Assistance in preparing for, and accompaniment to, hearings and court appearances
- Accompaniment during police interviews
- Notification to instructors of time missed from class due to criminal incident
You are encouraged to contact the Office of the District Attorney Victim Witness Assistance Unit at 610-891-4227 during regular business hours to discuss your situation or to arrange for an appointment. It is the advocate's goal to see that you are treated with consideration, respect, and sensitivity in all your interactions with the legal system. Contacting the Victim/Witness Advocate does not mean that you are obligated to file a police report. Our aim is to provide you with the necessary information and support to enable you to make the best choices available.
Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Hotline
A hotline has been established for victims and observers of sexual assault and relationship violence. Trained counselors on the hotline will help students access appropriate resources. Penn State students from any campus can call 1-800-560-1637 or www.hotline.joker47.net to access the 24 hours a day, seven days a week hotline.
If you experience a problem that requires Police assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We encourage you to make prompt reports.
Penn State Brandywine – Office of Police and Public Safety
Commons/Athletic Center, Room 101
25 Yearsley Mill Road
Media, PA 19063
Phone: 610-892-1496